Product updates: May 2019 Release

Flag a video

Did you find anything objectionable in the contents of the video you are watching? Now you can immediately report it to admin so that they can review and take action. You should use this feature to flag the video when you find something factually incorrect, anything which goes against the policy of the organization, a part in the video which needs urgent update or even poor quality of content.

Easy distribution of videos through channels

Channels are extremely useful for easy video distribution. Now we have made it even easier for authors to distribute their videos in right channels. With direct and easy publishing to channels, users do not have to worry about selecting users individually with whom they want to share the video. They can just associate the right channel with the video and distribution, access control and notifications will be taken care of by kPoint VideoCentral.

Save videos to personal lists

Worried about losing some important video in lists of hundreds of videos? Now users can easily save important videos they find in the portal in personal reference lists such as ‘favourites’ and ‘watch later’. Each user can create their own lists which will be visible only to them and can access the videos added to those lists quickly.

More power to reports

Reports help users complete the circle of their use case in kPoint VideoCentral. In this release we have made some very useful additions in our reporting capabilities. These are –

  • Custom date range – Adminstrators can download detailed reports of any period by providing custom date range.
  • Last accessed date – Portal admins can easily identify unused content by looking at the last viewed date of all videos in a report.
  • Review states – For those organization which have enforced a review mechanism before publishing thevideo, the Admins can quickly see the which videos are stuck in review state so that content can be made available to users faster.
  • Channel report API – We are ever bolstering our capability of letting external applications work seamlessly with kPoint. Now external applications can fetch the video viewership data of a channel over an API.

Live – comments, external users, analytics

Are you doing CxO communication over a live event? Now kPoint VideoCentral allows event adminstrators to moderate comments and push only important questions or comments to the speaker. This can be done by setting the comments mode to ‘Only pinned comments’ In case you want to stream your live events to users who are not part of your enterprise, then worry not. With kPoint

Feedback widget

Video authors love to get feedback from viewers. With the new feedback widget, kPoint VideoCentral now enables authors to collect feedback from viewers while they are watching the video. Authors can create the feedback form in the tool of their choice, and link the form in the video with the feedback widget.